Thursday, 28 November 2013

Flash Quiz Game

An actionscript Flash game.  Have fun!

South Park

A "South Park" style animation with Paige, Jacob W. and I.  This would have been pretty hard to do with paper characters.

Rocket Movie

A fun little Flash animation.  The rocket rumbles at launch, the moon changes sizes as it gets "closer" to you, and there is a surprise shape tween ending.

Hill Climb Racer

This is my version of hill climb racer.  The flash file seems to show more than what is actually on the stage, which is why the scrolling background glitches.  The truck and wheels are keyframed every frame to orient them.

Moving Power Clip

This is similar to my zebra power clip, except that I have a tweened background.  The background has been copied and flipped so that it repeats smoothly.

Flying Eyeball

Another nested animation of a flying creature.  This post is a bit late for Halloween.  I used a motion tween to move and re-size it smoothly.

Shape Tweens

I made two different shape tweens.  The "haha" turns into an amused guy and the ear of corn morphs into the word corn.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Nested Animation

This animation has a movie clip of a flying bug following a motion guide.

Thursday, 7 November 2013


A stoplight made in Flash CS4. This shows the different timings of animation.  The lights turn on and off when I keyframe and change the fill colour

Monday, 4 November 2013

What Is The Difference Between Straight Ahead And Pose To Pose Animation?

A)  Straight ahead animation involves drawing every frame in the movie.  In pose to pose, you create the start and the end, and the computer fills in the middle.

B)  The difference between the types isn't really visible during playback, but straight ahead animations may have some inconsistencies from frame to frame.

C)  Pivot is straight ahead animation.  Flash uses both kinds.  There are pose to pose tweens, or you can keyframe straight ahead.

D)  I prefer straight ahead animation when I have the time to do it, as you have more control over what the final product looks like.

Halloween Flashlight

Two flashlights exposing writing.  Really, the writing shows the light through behind it.  The top is an example in action script 3.  It's a bit hard to get started.  You kind of have to wave around in the bottom right to pick up the light.  The bottom is an original creation using action script 2.

Mr. Potato Head

A classic toy made into a Flash game.  I used a drag & drop scrip for each moving piece.

Balls Bouncing Off Walls

Two balls bouncing off walls in Flash.  I used motion tweens to move the balls.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Handwriting Animation

This animation looks like I wrote out the letters. It is really a movie of me erasing letters played backwards.

Realistic Ball Bounce

A realistic ball bounce.  I animated straight ahead in twos.  I squashed and stretched the ball, went slow in and slow out, and used arcs to simulate the effects of gravity and motion.

My First Movie

This is a movie I created with vector graphics and an actionscript button in Flash CS4.

Angry Birds

An Angry Bird animation using a hand-drawn bird and a motion tween.
Another Angry bird doing flips.  This was created with a motion guide and a classic tween that was oriented to the path.