Saturday 19 October 2013

Pop Art

 This is a pop art representation of Don Cherry.  For once his suit is the least colourful part of his close-up.
A Photoshop Instruction Summary:
~Change your image to black and white.
~Adjust the lighting levels to make it look more like a drawing.
~Create a new layer, set the blend mode to multiply, and paint in grey over the background.  It doesn't have to be perfect.  Repeat for the face, the hair, and any other areas that you want to have as a different colour.
~Colourize each layer except for the face with a fully saturated, bright colour.  Colourize the face with a paler, less saturated colour.
~Create a new document that is twice the width and height of your image and paste 4 copies into it.
~Adjust the hue of three of them so that they are all different. 

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